Royal Hearts Fantasy
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~Axis~The Eternal Flame of Darkness~

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~Axis~The Eternal Flame of Darkness~ Empty ~Axis~The Eternal Flame of Darkness~

Post  Axis Mon Jan 19, 2009 5:32 am

Name: Axis

Age: 17

Gender: Female

~Axis~The Eternal Flame of Darkness~ Red_ha10

Weapon of Choice: Keyblades

Special Ability: N/A

Personality: Outgoing, Hyper, Caring, Protective

Association: Organization XIII (Leader)

History: Axis is the younger sister of Organization XIII's Axel....
She was in a battle with a Heartless that was too much for her but then woke up in the DarkWorld..... its was something new... not a normal Heartless mode... she was something different she still had her appearance with her... and also was dressed in black? She knew what had happen and where she was and now spends her time roaming between light and dark searching for something to do.... not to metion trying to get over her brothers death..... Seh holds a keyblade in her possession that the organization gave her when they found her among the dark relm. She may not have a heart but she is one of the only hearts that know true emotion. She hopes to one day take her place in the Organization but will never happen. She is the only nobody that can feel true emotions.....


Height: 5' 7"
Weight: 140

Race: Nobody

Home World:
Born In: Destiny Island
Grew Up In & Died In: Twilight Town
Reborn In & Currently Resides In:
The World That Never Was

Organization XIII Leader
Organization XIII Leader

Posts : 14
Join date : 2009-01-19
Age : 29
Location : Alone In My Own Salvation

Character sheet
Rank:: Uber
~Axis~The Eternal Flame of Darkness~ Left_bar_bleue55/55~Axis~The Eternal Flame of Darkness~ Empty_bar_bleue  (55/55)
~Axis~The Eternal Flame of Darkness~ Left_bar_bleue50/50~Axis~The Eternal Flame of Darkness~ Empty_bar_bleue  (50/50)

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