Current date/time is Fri Sep 27, 2024 7:35 pm

  • Rules & More

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  • Rules

    Here is where you can find all the basic rules of this Role-Playing site. Before doing anything, remember to go to this forum. Also there will be a Q&A Section, so if you also have any doubts or questions, don't forget to come here, because it wont be regret.
    4 Topics
    4 Posts
    Wed Jan 21, 2009 8:26 pm
    Balthier Teleport/Portal Rules
  • 3 Topics
    3 Posts
    Thu Mar 12, 2009 9:46 pm
    Sky Neotopia
  • Updates

    If anything changes on the site, it shall be posted here.
    4 Topics
    19 Posts
    Mon Apr 06, 2009 11:08 pm
    Sky New Site
  • Character Creation

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  • Character

    Create your character here, if it's a custom character, then, well, use all your imagination! For Cannon characters, you need to do it as similar as you can as it is in the game/anime.
    Moderator: Moderators
    13 Topics
    39 Posts
    Sun Apr 05, 2009 6:50 pm
    Sky Number XIII Of The Organization Roxas ~Sora's Nobody~
  • Pets

    Here create your pet. Be creative and have fun.
    2 Topics
    2 Posts
    Thu Feb 05, 2009 3:38 am
    Balthier Pet Rules
  • Weapons

    Create your weapons here! You can make your cannon char's weapons, or custom, etc. Have fun making your weaponry!
    11 Topics
    31 Posts
    Mon Apr 06, 2009 5:05 pm
    Roxas Lvl 1 weapon Kingdom Key
  • Magic/Abilities/Skills

    Here you can create your Magics, Skills, and Abilities! Get evil in this people, since most will be quite tricky during your roleplay life! Have fun!
    4 Topics
    9 Posts
    Thu Mar 05, 2009 5:36 pm
    Sky Weak Heal
  • Armor/Clothing

    Create your character's armor and clothings! Make the most fancy creations here!
    1 Topics
    2 Posts
    Mon Jan 19, 2009 5:19 am
    Balthier .:Armor Template + Limits:.
  • Forms

    Create your characters forms here! These are powerful transformation in which your character changes apperance and has different abilities/powers. Be creative!
    2 Topics
    4 Posts
    Tue Jan 20, 2009 5:09 pm
    Sky ~Axis~Saria((Human Form))~
  • Summons

    Create your summons here. They are powerful beasts use in battles, for further information, go inside and read whatever you need to read!
    1 Topics
    1 Posts
    Fri Jan 23, 2009 12:55 am
    Axis .:Summons Template:.
  • Profiles

    Create your profile here, put links to your Character/Abilities/Weapons/Summons/Forms/etc.
    0 Topics
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  • Guilds

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  • Imperial Guards

    If you wish to join the Imperial Army, please sign up here. We are fierce, and powerful, plus, we have cookies. The current owner is Basch.
    Moderator: Moderators
    3 Topics
    5 Posts
    Sun Jan 25, 2009 6:16 pm
    Balthier Ashelia's Application
  • Xeraxian Monarchy

    The Xeraxian Monarchy is a strictly neutral faction. To an extent. They supply arms and spacecraft to various warring factions and build their own battle fleets using the funds. Despite what they say, they have more than ten fleets of ships standing by in case of an attempted invasion. The reason behind this is the number of wars that have happened. Currently led by Gen. Krakov.
    1 Topics
    1 Posts
    Wed Jan 21, 2009 5:41 pm
    Kasper Krakov Xeraxian Monarchy joining form
  • Bandits

    The bandits, a powerful faction on this forum that will soon one day flourish above all others! Our objective is to rule all others and take what is rightfully ours, although we may seem dark and evil to others we take great pride in what we do. We are neutral and do not take to any side, we are held to our own although at times if the price is right we will fight for another faction. The bandits are led by Ichigo Ookami.
    1 Topics
    1 Posts
    Fri Jan 23, 2009 7:13 pm
    Ichigo Ookami Welcome to our family
  • MarketPlace

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  • Omega Star Shop

    Your one stop shop for everything. Armor, Potions, Clothing, Everything! You name, we got it!Owner: Axis
    1 Topics
    1 Posts
    Mon Jan 19, 2009 11:47 pm
    Axis Shop Inventory((Not FInishes))
  • Archadian Shop

    A shop led by Basch. It is located in Archadia. [This does not mean you need to go there to buy...just post here.] You can find a large variety of items and weapons here. Remember to not miss the discount tickets!
    1 Topics
    1 Posts
    Thu Jan 22, 2009 4:38 pm
    Balthier Archadian Stock
  • Elite Weaponry

    Welcome to Elite Weaponry. Owned by yours truely. SKY. Ever wanted to have a cooler weapon than anyone else? Sick of generic weapons? Want an original that you can't find anywhere else? Here we create one of a kind weapons with different abilities. So check in often for updates and if your lucky you might find something you like ;D.
    4 Topics
    7 Posts
    Tue Feb 24, 2009 8:24 pm
    Sky Purchase..
  • Stardust Imperial Exhange

    The royal exchange bank! Here you can withdraw or deposit munny from your missions. Owner: Axis
    0 Topics
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  • Extras

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  • Missions Board

    Here you can find missions for your character to do. You can obtain Royals [Site's Currency] or several stuff. Please stop by to check out missions and see if you're interested in any of them
    5 Topics
    10 Posts
    Mon Feb 09, 2009 8:45 pm
    Sky FEAR
  • 1 Topics
    1 Posts
    Wed Jan 21, 2009 11:46 pm
    Balthier Template to Request Worlds
  • Worlds

    Last Posts
  • Destiny Islands

    Destiny Islands is a beautiful island where the water is always the perfect temperature and the sun is always shining. But isn't this place a bit TOO perfect?
    Moderator: Moderators
    2 Topics
    22 Posts
    Thu Feb 26, 2009 10:45 pm
    Sky The Test of Strength (Ichigo Ookami only)
  • Traverse Town

    Traverse Town is a little town where you can find some interesting people roaming the streets. Maybe the people here are a bit too interesting? Is there some sort of secret?
    1 Topics
    15 Posts
    Sat Mar 14, 2009 11:52 pm
    Sky Arrival (open to all)
  • Twilight Town

    Twilight Town is a small-ish town where the sun always seems to be setting and the sky is always a beautiful shade of orange. Could this town be a bit TOO quiet?
    3 Topics
    44 Posts
    Sun Mar 08, 2009 8:55 pm
    Shingi Out for a walk (Open)
  • Besaid Island

    In Besaid you can find a peaceful beach, where the Besaid Aurochs train somedays. Further you can find Besaid Village, here you can find several shops and houses. There also is a closed Chamber of Fayth, where Valefor used to rest.
    0 Topics
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  • Deep Jungle (lvl 2+)

    Get lost in the Deep Jungle. Come across some interesting heartless and some interesting wild animals. Who knows? Maybe theres a secret treasure if you have the guts to adventure deep enough.
    0 Topics
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  • Wonderland (lvl 2+)

    Welcome to Wonderland. Ever wanted to walk on the ceiling? Meet rabbits that talk? Or find any bizarre thing your mind could think of? Stay long enough and you could even meet the card master.
    0 Topics
    0 Posts
  • Kilika Port (lvl 2+)

    Kilika Port was once attacked by Sin, during the summoner Yuna's pilgrimage. Here she made her first sending. It was reconstructed, but it will never be the same. You can find unique heartless here. Kilika Port also has woods, that leads you to the Chamber of Fayth now locked after Sin was defeated.
    0 Topics
    0 Posts
  • Olymus Colleseaum (lvl 3+)

    Come fight in the many tournements at this brilliant colleseaum. Meet the many exciting opponents youll be facing. Win glorious prizes and become famous. Anything to please the crowd right?
    0 Topics
    0 Posts
  • Luca (lvl 3+)

    Have you ever thought of a huge city? Fun to be in and full of shops and houses? Do you want to see a blitzball tournament? Well, then Luca is your right place! Come here to have fun all day or also all night long. You can go to the BlitzBall stadium, or anywhere you want!
    0 Topics
    0 Posts
  • Mi'hen Highroad (lvl 4+)

    Mi'ihen is a road that connects Luca and Mushroom Rock. It was named after Lord Mi'hien, the founder of the Crusades. It is called Highroad because of its altitude in relation to Luca, and the fact that Mi'ihen walked the "HighRoad" to face the maeaters of Yevon. Yuna had to walk this path too during her pilgrimage.
    0 Topics
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  • Land of Dragons (lvl 4+)

    Ever wanted to visit China? Well now you can! Launch fireworks on enemies, start raging forest fires, meet fun foreign chinese people! You might even discover the secret that lies up in the snow covered mountains! WHO KNOWS!?
    0 Topics
    0 Posts
  • Rabanastre (lvl 4+)

    Royal City of Rabanastre, it is a city in Ivalice. Here you have some places that might be interesting for you like shops. The most typical race in this city are humes. There are large numbers of Bangaas, Moogles, and Seeq. It is home for a small population of viera and about two Nu Mou.
    0 Topics
    0 Posts
  • The Underworld (lvl 5+)

    Here you can go to the dark halls and corners of the Underworld. It is very cold and dark, and humid. Here you can find Hades' room. Role-Play here if you want something scary!
    Moderator: Moderators
    0 Topics
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  • Disney Castle (lvl 5+)

    Ah, the Disney Castle. Home for King Mickey. It is a castle full of halls and a beautiful garden. There barely are any Heartless, Nobodies, or Fiends.
    Moderator: Moderators
    0 Topics
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  • Mushroom Rock (lvl 5+)

    Here you can find the headquarters of the Youth League. Including many unconfigured machina that fool around in this special place. Come here if you want a fight!
    Moderator: Moderators
    0 Topics
    0 Posts
  • Midgar (lvl 5+)

    Midgar was once a beautiful city, now it has changed. You can see Shinra SOLDIER everywhere, and mako energy is in the air. Midgar is a city that never sleeps.
    Moderator: Moderators
    0 Topics
    0 Posts
  • Djose Temple (lvl 6+)

    Djose Temple is a home for many Al Bhed people and also previously owned by Gippal. Many people come here to find tickets to dig. It also has the closed chamber of fayth for Ixion.
    0 Topics
    0 Posts
  • Dalmasca Westersand (lvl 6+)

    The Dalmasca Westersands is a desert, where you can find wolves and a mighty dinosaur. It has an entrance to Rabanastre. It is part of Dalmasca, ruled by Queen Ashe.
    0 Topics
    0 Posts
  • Christmas Town (lvl 6+)

    Don't you wish it was ALWAYS Christmas!? Well then come to Christmas Town! We have posessed toys, psycho merry go rounds, and even Santa Clause lives here! Who knows? Maybe the Jolly red guy is hiding something?
    0 Topics
    0 Posts
  • Port Royal (lvl 7+)

    Do you believe in ghost stories? Port Royal is a wonderful town where you can become a pirate, fight ghost pirates...heck lets just call it Pirate World. You might even discover Cortez's Treasure! Just don't get too greedy.
    0 Topics
    0 Posts
  • Moonflow (lvl 7+)

    The Moonflow is a large river that dissects Spira's main continent into Southern and Northern halves. The primary method of crossing is on Shoopuf, an elephant-like creature that can swim across the expansive river.
    0 Topics
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  • Nalbina Fortress (lvl 7+)

    Nalbina Fortress is located just north-east of Rabanastre and marks the boarder of Dalmasca and Nabradia. It was here, during the Battle of Nalbina Fortress, that the Knights of Dalmasca were decimated, and Prince Rasler Heios succumbed to the arrow of an imperial soldier. A short while later, King Raminas was assassinated in the royal apartments, an event marking the end of autonomous rule for Dalmasca. After the imperials took control of Nalbina Fortress, it was utilized primarily as a prison. However, the city itself was rebuilt, and now contains a thriving market and airship dock
    0 Topics
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  • Castle Oblivion (lvl 8+)

    Do you like your memories? Do you miss your old true and dear ones? If you answered yes to both of these questions then you are in quite the predicament. As you get deeper into this castle to find is to lose and to lose is to find. Can you discover the mystery of this castle and make it out with your memories in tact?
    0 Topics
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  • Guadosalam (lvl 8+)

    Guadosalam is the city of the Guado, and gateway to the Farplane. The city sits on the path from the north bank of the Moonflow and the southern trail of the Thunder Plains. It comprises three levels with the exits at the bottom most points, the path to the Farplane on the upper level and the Palace, residence of the current leader, at the center.
    0 Topics
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  • Giza Plains (lvl 8+)

    A dry savannah, where a nomadic tribe lives here. Come during Monday-Wednesday to find it dry, you can find the rains during Thursday-Sunday.
    0 Topics
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  • Odds and Ends

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  • 2 Topics
    2 Posts
    Tue Jan 20, 2009 1:52 am
    Axis .:Clothing Items~Male:.
  • 1 Topics
    1 Posts
    Mon Jan 19, 2009 11:47 pm
    Balthier Restoration Items
  • Elite Weaponry Details

    Here you can extract elements to use for creating weapons. The variations you use is what depends on the weapon you make.
    1 Topics
    1 Posts
    Wed Jan 21, 2009 1:16 pm
    Sky Elemental List
  • Off Topic

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  • Chat Room

    Anything not related to RPIng, post it here. Please!
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    6 Topics
    20 Posts
    Mon Mar 02, 2009 8:17 pm
    keybladekid54 Aftermath
  • Videos

    Add videos from YouTube, DailyMotion, iMeem, of any other video host here.
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