Royal Hearts Fantasy
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Elemental List

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Elemental List Empty Elemental List

Post  Sky Wed Jan 21, 2009 1:16 pm

ELEMENTS: The elements are monsters solely made out of each element.

AERO: Wind element found in the Celestial Plains
Elemental List Air_elemental

TERRA: Earth element found in the Mines of Jadith.
Elemental List Earth_elemental

INCENDIA: Flame element. Found in the Great Flame Marsh of Fuegis
Elemental List Fire_elemental

GLACIES: Ice element. Found in the Frozen Tundra of Elza
Elemental List IceDragonSpirit

FULGUR: Lightning element. Found on top of Mt. Zastric
Elemental List Electricbird

AQUA: Water element. Found deep in the Ocean of Naad.
Elemental List Evil-mermaid

LUMINA: Light element. Found in the Temple of Clarity.
Elemental List LeafletSun1312

Umbrasis: Shadow element. Found in the Land of Eternal Eclipse.
Elemental List Evil-2

Posts : 90
Join date : 2009-01-16
Age : 32

Character sheet
Rank:: Uber
Elemental List Left_bar_bleue85000/85000Elemental List Empty_bar_bleue  (85000/85000)
Elemental List Left_bar_bleue75000/75000Elemental List Empty_bar_bleue  (75000/75000)

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