Royal Hearts Fantasy
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NEW Character Template

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NEW Character Template Empty NEW Character Template

Post  Balthier Wed Jan 21, 2009 8:37 pm

[b]Name:[/b] What's your character's name?

[b]Age:[/b] How old is your character?

[b]Birthdate:[/b] What's the date when your character was born? Please follow this: Day/Month/Year

[b]Gender:[/b] Male or female?

[b]Race:[/b] What kind is your character? Hume, Viera, Nobody... etc.

[b]Appearance:[/b] What does your character look like?

[b]Weapons of Choice:[/b] What kind of weapons does your char use? Bows, swords, etc...

[b]Special ability:[/b] What is your character's special ability?

[b]Personality:[/b] What does your character look like?

[b]Like:[/b] What does your char. like?

[b]History:[/b] What did your character do in their past? What are they doing now? Use as most detail as you can please.

[b]Picture:[/b] If you have one available, please add it. It is a pleasure to know how your character looks like in pictures!


Posts : 44
Join date : 2009-01-14

Character sheet
Rank:: Uber
NEW Character Template Left_bar_bleue85000/85000NEW Character Template Empty_bar_bleue  (85000/85000)
NEW Character Template Left_bar_bleue75000/75000NEW Character Template Empty_bar_bleue  (75000/75000)

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