Royal Hearts Fantasy
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Shadonir (This is my going easy weapon)

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Shadonir (This is my going easy weapon) Empty Shadonir (This is my going easy weapon)

Post  Kasper Krakov Thu Jan 22, 2009 12:51 pm

Name: Shadonir

Short or Long: Short

Type: Rapier

Element: Dark

Effect: Speed Increase: Increases speed of attacks by 15%.

Description: Shadonir has a small blade in width, but fairly long in length. The guard is black, and so is the blade. The handle is grey.

Damage: 50 (this will be updated as the RPers level up [yes I'm going easy on them])

History: Krakov obtained this sword after a fencing match when he was younger. After taking it to his quarters, he realized it was useful with the Quick Blade style of swordfighting. As a result, he began to practice using this sword until his attacks were as deadly as they were fierce. His stance with this sword consists of one hand behind his back and the blade extended outward and behind him. Before battle he holds Shadonir blade up in front of his face.

NOTE: Shadonir has a spirit trapped inside it's blade. Sometimes that spirit will talk, other times she will cry. It all depends on how Krakov uses the sword.

Picture: Optional, but I'm sure we all want to see how your weapon looks like!

Kasper Krakov

Posts : 11
Join date : 2009-01-19

Character sheet
Rank:: Moderator
Shadonir (This is my going easy weapon) Left_bar_bleue75000/75000Shadonir (This is my going easy weapon) Empty_bar_bleue  (75000/75000)
Shadonir (This is my going easy weapon) Left_bar_bleue65000/65000Shadonir (This is my going easy weapon) Empty_bar_bleue  (65000/65000)

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