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Grand Admiral Kasper Vladmir Krakov

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Grand Admiral Kasper Vladmir Krakov Empty Grand Admiral Kasper Vladmir Krakov

Post  Kasper Krakov Thu Jan 22, 2009 1:24 pm

Name: Kasper Krakov

Age: 69

Birthdate: September 18th, 1986

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Appearance: Kasper has grey, short-cut hair. His eyes are silver and his skin is only slightly wrinkled, despite his old age. His uniform is dark red and has a Grand Admiral's insignia on the chest. His boots are black.

Weapons of Choice: Rapiers/Guns

Special ability: Quick Spell: Allows casting of multiple spells per post.

Personality: Krakov is cold, cruel, and vicious to those he deems enemies. However, he does have a daughter, and he tries to be understanding about her relationships. To his allies, though, he seems cold and distant.

Like: Victory, his daughter

History: Krakov was born on Xeraxis in 1986, long before the Trizerion Empire was banished. They didn't have quite as advanced space travel then, so Krakov had very few trips off planet before his twentieth birthday. On his twentieth birthday, he had the chance to see Xeraxis from space for the first time. However, in twenty years, he would be defending the same planet from the Trizerion Empire, a ruthless empire bent on controlling the system for itself. Thanks to the new Element Ship technology, the Republics and the Monarchy forced the Trizerion Empire out of the system and into the Dark Zone for many years. Awhile after this (2049) he adopted a young girl going by the name of Angela. Although technically she adopted him as a father, Krakov still claims it to be his doing. Currently, his plans are to extend the Monarchy to this area as not a dominant faction, but as an equal among many.

Picture: Sorry, ain't got one.

Kasper Krakov

Posts : 11
Join date : 2009-01-19

Character sheet
Rank:: Moderator
Grand Admiral Kasper Vladmir Krakov Left_bar_bleue75000/75000Grand Admiral Kasper Vladmir Krakov Empty_bar_bleue  (75000/75000)
Grand Admiral Kasper Vladmir Krakov Left_bar_bleue65000/65000Grand Admiral Kasper Vladmir Krakov Empty_bar_bleue  (65000/65000)

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