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The Test of Strength (Ichigo Ookami only)

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The Test of Strength (Ichigo Ookami only) Empty The Test of Strength (Ichigo Ookami only)

Post  Sky Thu Jan 22, 2009 10:39 pm

8 Shadows walked along the beach claiming the hearts of anyone who walked by them. It seemed the beach was empty by now and no one was coming out. The heartless started to travel inward toward the center of the island.

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The Test of Strength (Ichigo Ookami only) Empty Re: The Test of Strength (Ichigo Ookami only)

Post  Ichigo Ookami Thu Jan 22, 2009 10:49 pm

"And so these creatures roam freely even here.." The voice of Ichigo Ookami came from behind a tree as he walked from the shadows and blocked the path of the Shadows. "I've seen your kind before and I don't appreciate it when you take down innocents and my own troop members." His hand glided swiftly upwards and grabbed his scythe, his grip was tight when it touched the Reaping tool. "It will be easy to take down your lot on my own" He twirled his weapon in his hand easily as he was ready for battle. "Now... it begins" He mumbled as he vanished into a small cloud of white snow and reappeared before the group and heaved greatly to the side at the monsters.

((OOC: Was that good? Or was I supposed to put like *causing 17 damage to 4 of the shadows*?))
Ichigo Ookami
Ichigo Ookami

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The Test of Strength (Ichigo Ookami only) Empty Re: The Test of Strength (Ichigo Ookami only)

Post  Sky Thu Jan 22, 2009 10:51 pm

(that was perfect. Nao you start doing damage)

4 heartless lunged at Ichigo and 4 sunk into the ground and crawled under him

Heartless: 8

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Age : 32

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The Test of Strength (Ichigo Ookami only) Empty Re: The Test of Strength (Ichigo Ookami only)

Post  Ichigo Ookami Thu Jan 22, 2009 10:58 pm

"Hmph" Ichigo side stepped two of the Shadows and ducked below the remaining two while pulling his Scythe upwards hitting the last two he dodged.
(12 damage to both)
He stood up straight with his Scythe tilted on his shoulder, his face remained emotionless almost bored. "You lot are much weaker then before, I hope you have more fight in you cause I'm just warming up.." And he again vanished in thin air and appeared above the two heartless he missed before. "Gotcha..." He mumbled as he sliced down with his Scythe.
(15 damage to those two)
He smiled as one of the Shadows arms became frozen from the impact, he had no idea how his Scythe got that ability but he still enjoyed that side effect. He landed softly on the ground and awaited the next attack.

((OOC: To much attacks? Should I stick to one attack per post? Sorry but I just want to be absolutely sure on this))
Ichigo Ookami
Ichigo Ookami

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The Test of Strength (Ichigo Ookami only) Empty Re: The Test of Strength (Ichigo Ookami only)

Post  Sky Thu Jan 22, 2009 11:06 pm

(no your fine. Your actually really good at it xD)

The 4 heartless that were below him jumped up and scratched his back for a total of 14 damage. The other heartless broke the ice off of the other heartless' arm.

HP: 41
MP: 55

Heartless 1 - 40
Heartless 2- 40
Heartless 3- 43
Heartless 4-43
Heartless 5-55
Heartless 6-55
Heartless 7-55
Heartless 8-55
(copy and paste this on the bottom of every post with your update on damage)

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Age : 32

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The Test of Strength (Ichigo Ookami only) Empty Re: The Test of Strength (Ichigo Ookami only)

Post  Ichigo Ookami Thu Jan 22, 2009 11:25 pm

Ichigo felt the pain on his back settle in from where the Shadows hit him, it burned but he had to ignore it. "Now..." His eyes went into a hard cold glare onto the heartless as he walked toward them. "You really pissed me off..." He vanished then and appeared behind the group of heartless and growled loudly when he slashed at them. They screeched in pain but he would not stop, they were only monsters meant to be destroyed.
(16 Damage to 5 of them)
"You have caused many!" He slashed at the nearest black monster in anger.
(14 damage to it)
"Of my comrades to fall in battle!" slashed another two with his red eyes glowing even a deeper crimson, his thoughts just flashing into his memories
(11 damage to the two of them)
His mind unfolded on a scene where he and his troops had just helped and not destroyed a town full of white creatures, they were celebrating for they were rewarded greatly for helping the people. Ichigo himself was in high spirits that night feeling that he accomplished something great, but that's when the dark ones attacked them while most of the bandits were shaken to their feet because of the Ale they drank. He had lost many Comrades and friends that day for no reason, he had the thirst for revenge now as he vanished again in snow and went behind a surprised Shadow. "Right here" He said in a mocking tone as he sliced through the heartless and watched it vanish.
(10 damage)
"Thats one down and seven to go" He mumbled as looked upon the rest.

Heartless 1 - 40 -16 = 24 - 14 = 10-10 = 0
Heartless 2 - 40 -16 = 24 - 11 = 13
Heartless 3 - 43 -16 = 27 - 11 = 16
Heartless 4 - 43 -16 = 27
Heartless 5 - 55 -16 = 39
Heartless 6 - 55
Heartless 7 - 55
Heartless 8 - 55
Ichigo Ookami
Ichigo Ookami

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The Test of Strength (Ichigo Ookami only) Empty Re: The Test of Strength (Ichigo Ookami only)

Post  Sky Thu Jan 22, 2009 11:29 pm

5 Heartless attacked Ichigo again except 4 missed and fell flat on their face with one attack doing 4 damage

HP: 37
MP: 55

Heartless 2 - 13
Heartless 3 - 16
Heartless 4 - 27
Heartless 5 - 39
Heartless 6 - 55
Heartless 7 - 55
Heartless 8 - 55

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Join date : 2009-01-16
Age : 32

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The Test of Strength (Ichigo Ookami only) Empty Re: The Test of Strength (Ichigo Ookami only)

Post  Ichigo Ookami Thu Jan 22, 2009 11:41 pm

Ichigo barely felt the soft hit from one of the shadows as he sliced into it, causing it also to vanish into the air.
(13 damage to it)
His eyes gazed upon the remaining six black shadows that stood before him, they were weekend in numbers and he had more then enough strength in him to take them all out. "You with black hearts shall feel deaths chilling touch..." He said to them, not caring if they understood or not. "Your existence will soon be ended!" He yelled as he threw his Scythe with radical strength and speed, cutting through the whole group of heartless while vanishing right after throwing it.
(16, 14, 15, 10, 14, 15 damage to them)
He reappeared behind the group and caught the Scythe by the handle and set it on his shoulder once more. "So now its down to five... no wait, I'm wrong." He quickly took his weapon and drove it down into the head of the weakest shadow, leaving a cloud of black dust and a shriek in the air.
(13 damage)
"I meant to say it is down to four of you." He tore his white Scythe out of the ground and pointed it at the Shadows. "How pathetic, and here I thought I would be entertained"

Heartless 2 - 13 - 13 = 0
Heartless 3 - 16 - 16 = 0
Heartless 4 - 27 - 14 = 13 - 13 = 0
Heartless 5 - 39 - 15 = 24
Heartless 6 - 55 - 10 = 45
Heartless 7 - 55 - 14 = 41
Heartless 8 - 55 - 15 = 40
Ichigo Ookami
Ichigo Ookami

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The Test of Strength (Ichigo Ookami only) Empty Re: The Test of Strength (Ichigo Ookami only)

Post  Sky Thu Jan 22, 2009 11:46 pm

Suddenly all the heartless bound together to form one Dark Side. The Darkside attacked Ichigo for 15 damage.

HP: 22
MP: 55

Darkside- 45

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The Test of Strength (Ichigo Ookami only) Empty Re: The Test of Strength (Ichigo Ookami only)

Post  Ichigo Ookami Fri Jan 23, 2009 12:09 am

((OOC: lol some how I kind of expected that to happen))

The young warrior looked up at the large black monster that shadowed over him, the battle had just gotten much more difficult. He had not expected this to happen, his hands shook as he watched it stand in great power. "Can I really defeat this thing now? I know before it was possible but now?" He thought to himself as he took a step back from it. But then flashes of his friends and comrades smiles and laughs came to his eyes and ears, their voices rang in his head. His hand stopped shaking and he dipped his head downwards. "That's right..." flashes of their faces went through his mind. "This is all for them...." He slowly looked up and grabbed his Scythe with both hands. "This battle is all for them!" He yelled as he ran towards the great monster, his grip on his scythe tightened as he jumped up and vanished in the air and reappeared at the back of the head of the monster. "I will destroy you for all of them!" He sliced at the back of its neck leaving a dark purple aura floating out.
(16 damage)
He landed down on the ground on one knee breathing heavily, he was now bleeding from his forehead from where he was hit and his arms streaked of blood where the shadows had hit him before. "This is a bit more difficult then I actually imagined" He coughed as he stood to straight looking up at the moaning giant. "It seems I weakened it a bit tho, it seems that it is not totally hopeless which means I have a chance..." He strained his muscles up again, he had to defeat this thing for his comrades and for the people on these islands. He was the only hope of the people now, he could now fail now because of some pain. "I will not lose to the likes of you..." He said softly as he gripped his scythe so tightly his hands bled down its staff. "I will never lose to you!" He yelled as he swung with all his strength into the leg of the giant where it moaned in pain as another purple aura came from the wound.
(13 damage)

Darkside: 45 - 16 = 29 - 13 = 16
Ichigo Ookami
Ichigo Ookami

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The Test of Strength (Ichigo Ookami only) Empty Re: The Test of Strength (Ichigo Ookami only)

Post  Sky Fri Jan 23, 2009 12:14 am

The darkside slammed its fist into Ichigo dealing 20 damage. And then eating a small heartless for +5 health.

(Not going down that easily! xD)

Darkside: 21

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Age : 32

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The Test of Strength (Ichigo Ookami only) Empty Re: The Test of Strength (Ichigo Ookami only)

Post  Ichigo Ookami Fri Jan 23, 2009 12:35 am

The large fist hit his body with great strength and he flew into the air, his body was just about fully numb and he could barely feel anything. His back hit the ground hard when he landed, his mouth spurted blood onto his face as his eyes wandered upwards. "Its...still so strong." He thought as his grip on the scythe loosened and tightened randomly. "H-how could this be?" He shuddered as he tilted his elbows to raise his back upwards to look at the monster swallowing a smaller shadow. "Its... gaining its strength back?" He thought helplessly as he used his staff to weakly stand to his feet. "Damn... if only" He stepped forward toward the overgrown dark mass that overpowered him. "It doesn't matter..." He mumbled to himself as he tensed his strength to the highest amount they can go to. "I already said..." His glare was shaking but he looked right into the yellow eyes of the dark form. "I... Will never lose to you!" He tensed his legs and his gripped his weapon with all of his strength, he had no idea how much strength the monster had but he couldn't take any moments to spare just thinking about stupid things like that. "I can only teleport one more time.." He thought to himself as he flexed his muscles and began throwing his Scythe at the creature. "I have to make the most out of it!" The Scythe went hurtling through the air, spinning like crazy with a humming whistle sound ringing into the air. It drove its self through the large shadows chest, leaving its hand to clutch where it had been stricken.
(11 damage)
It was that time to make his chance happen, he vanished from the ground to reappear in the air near the creatures head. He grabbed his Scythe and held it up high in the air. "Now You DIE!!!!!!!!" He yelled as he swung down onto gigantic shape, its shrieked into the air as he drove down through the body until the metal clanged into the ground.
(10 damage)
"Its... finally" He let go of his scythe and dropped to the floor on his back as the black figure vanished into the air with a large howl. "Over..." Ichigo sighed as his mind wandered and his body rested.

Darkside: 21 - 11 = 10 - 10 = 0
Ichigo Ookami
Ichigo Ookami

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The Test of Strength (Ichigo Ookami only) Empty Re: The Test of Strength (Ichigo Ookami only)

Post  Sky Fri Jan 23, 2009 7:09 pm

Suddenly 3 more hearless appeared around him and a whirlwind appeared around Ichigo fully restoring him.

Heartless - 55
Heartless - 55
Soldier Heartless - 70

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Age : 32

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The Test of Strength (Ichigo Ookami only) Empty Re: The Test of Strength (Ichigo Ookami only)

Post  Sky Sun Jan 25, 2009 12:50 am

OOC: Ichigo. Please respond to this post within 1 day or you will be booted from the mission.

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The Test of Strength (Ichigo Ookami only) Empty Re: The Test of Strength (Ichigo Ookami only)

Post  Ichigo Ookami Sun Jan 25, 2009 6:22 pm

((OOC: Jeez man, come on its the weekend I can't really help to do things when I'm not home))

Ichigo eyes opened as a whirlwind surrounded him, he felt the strength come back to his body as he stood up. "But... how?" He watched as the whirlwind flew off into the distance at great speed, leaving him clueless. "I don't know what that was but...." He brought himself to one knee and looked at the new heartless before him. "I'm glad it came or else I would have been finished." He grabbed his Scythe and pulled him self to his feet, now in a battle position once more. He examined the dark shadows before him and smiled as he took a few steps forward. "You three will be nothing compared to that giant shadow." With that he slashed at the two smaller shadows causing both of their arms to freeze and watched them shriek in pain.
(16 damage to both)
He then heard the shadow with cloths and a helmet on spin towards him, it was a different attack then from the smaller ones had used but it wasn't that difficult to dodge.He jumped in the air while smacking the back of the warrior shadow's head with the but of his Scythe.
(7 damage)
He landed on his feet as the warrior shadow stopped spinning and fell to the ground dazed. He looked at the two smaller ones as they broke off the ice and lunged at him with a high pitched squeal. Ichigo simply hit one in the head with one end of his scythe causing it to fly to the ground and ducked beneath the other while slashing at its body.
(5 damage and 14 damage)

Heartless - 55 - 16 = 39 - 5 = 34
Heartless - 55 - 16 = 39 - 14 = 25
Soldier Heartless - 70 - 7= 63

((OOC: is this soldier heartless like the first boss heartless? ))
Ichigo Ookami
Ichigo Ookami

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The Test of Strength (Ichigo Ookami only) Empty Re: The Test of Strength (Ichigo Ookami only)

Post  Sky Mon Jan 26, 2009 7:05 pm

OOC: indeed it is....i better change the name

The two shadows swung their frozen arms at ichigo hitting him hard for a combined damage of 15. The Armor Heartless's fists smashed down on him for and extra 7.

Ichigo: HP: 33 MP: 55

OOC:dont you have any spells/forms to use?

Heartless - 34
Heartless - 25
Armor Heartless -63

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The Test of Strength (Ichigo Ookami only) Empty Re: The Test of Strength (Ichigo Ookami only)

Post  Balthier Sat Jan 31, 2009 3:31 am

Please, you have two days to post, if not, you will FAIL.

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The Test of Strength (Ichigo Ookami only) Empty Re: The Test of Strength (Ichigo Ookami only)

Post  Balthier Tue Feb 03, 2009 2:13 am

Unfortunately Sir, you will be given one more day, if not, this will be definately the end.

Best Regards,
~ Balthier, First Class Sky Pirate ~

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The Test of Strength (Ichigo Ookami only) Empty Re: The Test of Strength (Ichigo Ookami only)

Post  Sky Mon Feb 09, 2009 8:32 pm

"I'm sorry. But you are too detrimental to this mission. You must be disposed of." came a voice out of nowhere. Suddenly a clear ball formed around his head and suffocated him, killing him. Ichigo's body fell to the ground dead and motionless. His corpse layed there pale and blank.

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The Test of Strength (Ichigo Ookami only) Empty Re: The Test of Strength (Ichigo Ookami only)

Post  Ichigo Ookami Thu Feb 26, 2009 1:25 am

lol harsh on the killing
Ichigo Ookami
Ichigo Ookami

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The Test of Strength (Ichigo Ookami only) Empty Re: The Test of Strength (Ichigo Ookami only)

Post  Sky Thu Feb 26, 2009 10:45 pm

rawr >=D

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