Royal Hearts Fantasy
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Discussing the Possibilities (open, but keep the fighting low)

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Discussing the Possibilities (open, but keep the fighting low) Empty Discussing the Possibilities (open, but keep the fighting low)

Post  Kasper Krakov Mon Feb 09, 2009 1:09 pm

Krakov stood on the beaches of Destiny Island, his sword sheathed. He was here as an ambassador, not a combatant. His objective was to assimilate the Islands into the Monarchy. The leader could very easily reject him, but Krakov had alot to offer.

Kasper Krakov

Posts : 11
Join date : 2009-01-19

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Rank:: Moderator
Discussing the Possibilities (open, but keep the fighting low) Left_bar_bleue75000/75000Discussing the Possibilities (open, but keep the fighting low) Empty_bar_bleue  (75000/75000)
Discussing the Possibilities (open, but keep the fighting low) Left_bar_bleue65000/65000Discussing the Possibilities (open, but keep the fighting low) Empty_bar_bleue  (65000/65000)

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