Royal Hearts Fantasy
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Zikimaru ~Sora's Little Brother~

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Zikimaru ~Sora's Little Brother~ Empty Zikimaru ~Sora's Little Brother~

Post  keybladekid54 Sat Feb 28, 2009 10:33 pm

Name: Zikimaru

Age: 7

Race: Humans


Picture: Picture is on my avatar picture

Weapon Of Choice: The Fated Encounter Keyblade click on link to see an image Rolling Eyes if the link goes to the wrong image just go search the pictures back or forward until you get to the 5th pic thanks

Personality: Annoying, Hyper, Bothers people too much lol!

Likes: Paopi Fruit and killing heartless


History: Zikimaru is Sora's little brother he was born on Destiny Island when he was a baby he was calm and quiet but when he got around the age of 7 he became a annoying, hyper screw up that loved to bother everybody including his own brother Sora. Because he was so annoying one day he got kicked out of Sora's House and started to explore Destiny Island. On his journey he found a strange key-thing that Sora wields to kill heartless except this one was a bit different, anyways so he picks it up since he knows its powerfull because he saw Sora using it to kill heartless when he was 5 years old. A few minutes later heartless pop up out of the ground, Zikimaru went and tryed to kill them all but he didnt have perfect control of the keyblade in-fact after he killed all the heartless he hit himself on the head with the keyblade and fainted for a couple of hours he had a strange dream. . .

When he woke up he got ALMOST perfect control of the keyblade for some reason, he saw a giant heartless ahead of him he rushed to him and attacked with all of his force but it wasn't much good he hears a voice saying "Zikimaru . . . use your spells to defeat the heartless once and for all . . ." Zikimaru then learned how to use his spells, Zikimaru shouted "BLIZZARD!!!" and the heartless froze, Zikimaru then shouted "FIRE!!!" and burned the heartless into ashes.

Zikimaru enjoyed killing heartless a lot now so he gathered gummi blocks and made a ship Rodneys plan was to go through worlds and kill heartless so he did.


Last edited by keybladekid54 on Sun Mar 01, 2009 6:49 pm; edited 2 times in total

Posts : 15
Join date : 2009-02-28

Character sheet
Zikimaru ~Sora's Little Brother~ Left_bar_bleue55/55Zikimaru ~Sora's Little Brother~ Empty_bar_bleue  (55/55)
Zikimaru ~Sora's Little Brother~ Left_bar_bleue50/50Zikimaru ~Sora's Little Brother~ Empty_bar_bleue  (50/50)

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Zikimaru ~Sora's Little Brother~ Empty Re: Zikimaru ~Sora's Little Brother~

Post  Sky Mon Mar 02, 2009 12:19 am

Approved Very Happy Welcome to RHF

Posts : 90
Join date : 2009-01-16
Age : 31

Character sheet
Rank:: Uber
Zikimaru ~Sora's Little Brother~ Left_bar_bleue85000/85000Zikimaru ~Sora's Little Brother~ Empty_bar_bleue  (85000/85000)
Zikimaru ~Sora's Little Brother~ Left_bar_bleue75000/75000Zikimaru ~Sora's Little Brother~ Empty_bar_bleue  (75000/75000)

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