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Number XIII Of The Organization Roxas ~Sora's Nobody~

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Number XIII Of The Organization Roxas ~Sora's Nobody~ Empty Number XIII Of The Organization Roxas ~Sora's Nobody~

Post  Roxas Sun Apr 05, 2009 2:50 pm

Name: Roxas


Gender: Male

Race: Nobody

Appearance#1: Normal Appearance: Dirty Blonde Hair, Blue Eyes, Black Zipped Shirt, White Short Sleeved Vest over black shirt with checkered design around shoulders and red trim around neck, 1/3 of pants is black rest is beige, black shoes with red trim, has a black and white ring on finger after thumb and middle finger on right hand also has checkered wristband on right hand.

Appearance#2: Organization XIII Appearance: Dirty Blonde Hair, Blue Eyes, Organization XIII Coat, gloves and boots

Weapons Of Choice: Keyblades

Personality: Calm, quiet, a lil naive too can be stubborn at times


History: Unlike the other Organization members, Roxas lacks memories of his previous life, due to the short time Sora had spent as a Heartless. During Roxas's time in the Organization, he and Axel became friends, but Roxas leaves to find answers as to why he possesses the Keyblade while also hoping to meet his former self. While on his way, he is attacked by a large number of Heartless; fortunately, Riku arrives to assist him before fighting him himself. Though Roxas initially has the upper hand, Riku takes a last resort in releasing all of the darkness in his heart, assuming the form of Xehanort's Heartless to knock Roxas unconscious. Afterwards, Riku takes him to DiZ, who places Roxas in a virtual Twilight Town. Knowing that the Organization was still looking for him, DiZ erases Roxas's memory and implants a false one to throw them off. While there, Roxas begins to see memories of Sora's adventures in dreams, and also encounters Axel, sent by the Organization to either rescue or kill him, and Naminé, who reveals the truth about his existence and connection to Sora.

Eventually, Roxas is led to the old mansion by DiZ, where he makes his way to the basement and sees Donald and Goofy sleeping in suspended animation, while also regaining his actual memory. When he reaches the room where Sora is being kept, he encounters a holographic DiZ, who taunts him. Enraged, Roxas futilely attacks the hologram, which disappears when Sora's stasis pod opens up. All of Roxas' anger drains away when he sees the still-sleeping Sora, and he respectfully accepts his fate and rejoins with him. But later Axels death triggers the re-appearance of Roxas and now he is back.

Picture: its on my avatar and you shud already now how he looks like xD

Posts : 9
Join date : 2009-04-05

Character sheet
Number XIII Of The Organization Roxas ~Sora's Nobody~ Left_bar_bleue55/55Number XIII Of The Organization Roxas ~Sora's Nobody~ Empty_bar_bleue  (55/55)
Number XIII Of The Organization Roxas ~Sora's Nobody~ Left_bar_bleue50/50Number XIII Of The Organization Roxas ~Sora's Nobody~ Empty_bar_bleue  (50/50)

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Number XIII Of The Organization Roxas ~Sora's Nobody~ Empty Re: Number XIII Of The Organization Roxas ~Sora's Nobody~

Post  Sky Sun Apr 05, 2009 6:50 pm


Posts : 90
Join date : 2009-01-16
Age : 32

Character sheet
Rank:: Uber
Number XIII Of The Organization Roxas ~Sora's Nobody~ Left_bar_bleue85000/85000Number XIII Of The Organization Roxas ~Sora's Nobody~ Empty_bar_bleue  (85000/85000)
Number XIII Of The Organization Roxas ~Sora's Nobody~ Left_bar_bleue75000/75000Number XIII Of The Organization Roxas ~Sora's Nobody~ Empty_bar_bleue  (75000/75000)

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