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Jack Darkblade, Ex-Holy Knight (Finished)

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Jack Darkblade, Ex-Holy Knight (Finished) Empty Jack Darkblade, Ex-Holy Knight (Finished)

Post  Jack Darkblade Mon Jan 19, 2009 2:37 am

Name: Jack Darkblade (Actual recorded name is Jonathan Frederick Darkblade)

Age: 18

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Appearance/Pictures: Jack is a well-tanned Caucasian male with green eyes, a muscular build, weighs about 135 lbs, and stands at a height of 5'7". His hair is a golden blond, and it is naturally spiky. He wears some of his hair in a ponytail that stops at the waist. The lower half of his body is entirely covered in gold armor, which is scratched up pretty badly. Between his legs hangs a red cloth. His shirt is a purplish-red sleeveless turtleneck, and his left arm is entirely covered in damaged armor, the amount of scratches equal to that of his leg armor. On his right hand is a brown leather glove with a metal plate on the dorsum, the word "Free" etched into it.

Weapon Type: Zweihanders, keyblades, and Flamberges.

Special Ability: None

Personality: Cynical, bit of a smartass/asshole, Jack is one of those people who just doesn't seem to like people. Usually, when he meets someone, one of the first words to come out of his mouth are either "Move" or "Die." He also has a VERY short fuse, and when someone sets him off, he'll often try to kill them.

Association: Come again?

History: Jack was raised by the Sacred Order of Holy Knights since birth, as his mother and his father were captains of the group. When he was old enough to walk, he was taught how to use bladed weapons, and he was also taught a few things about magic and hand-to-hand combat. At age 10, Jack participated in his first battle against the Heartless, and managed to destroy an entire platoon of them singlehandedly. Aged 14, Jack took his first mission from the Order, but he botched it by accidentally killing his partner in battle. Fearing the death sentence, Jack fled from his mission, and in turn, the Order.

Finding himself in Twilight Town, he took refuge in the Old Mansion, where he knew nobody would try to find him. At age 16, Jack became a soldier for hire in an attempt to put his experience in battle to good use. As expected, representatives from different worlds came to ask for his help in their wars, offering large sums of money to earn his loyalty. But of course, his business didn't last long, and he had to resort to wandering the worlds, looking for jobs and/or battles to partake in.

Last edited by Jack Darkblade on Sun Mar 08, 2009 8:34 pm; edited 1 time in total

Jack Darkblade

Posts : 11
Join date : 2009-01-19
Age : 31
Location : Who wants to know?

Character sheet
Rank:: Apprentice
Jack Darkblade, Ex-Holy Knight (Finished) Left_bar_bleue55/55Jack Darkblade, Ex-Holy Knight (Finished) Empty_bar_bleue  (55/55)
Jack Darkblade, Ex-Holy Knight (Finished) Left_bar_bleue50/50Jack Darkblade, Ex-Holy Knight (Finished) Empty_bar_bleue  (50/50)

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Jack Darkblade, Ex-Holy Knight (Finished) Empty Re: Jack Darkblade, Ex-Holy Knight (Finished)

Post  Balthier Mon Jan 19, 2009 4:43 pm

Jack Darkblade, Ex-Holy Knight (Finished) Approv10

Posts : 44
Join date : 2009-01-14

Character sheet
Rank:: Uber
Jack Darkblade, Ex-Holy Knight (Finished) Left_bar_bleue85000/85000Jack Darkblade, Ex-Holy Knight (Finished) Empty_bar_bleue  (85000/85000)
Jack Darkblade, Ex-Holy Knight (Finished) Left_bar_bleue75000/75000Jack Darkblade, Ex-Holy Knight (Finished) Empty_bar_bleue  (75000/75000)

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