Royal Hearts Fantasy
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General Rules

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General Rules Empty General Rules

Post  Sky Mon Jan 19, 2009 7:03 pm

Rules for Missions:

Rule 1: Only Admins can create missions. Moderators may also create them but not before consulting an Admin first

Rule 2: Only the creator of the mission can control it. For example: Admin 1 creates a mission to kill a certain monster. Therefore only Admin 1 may control the monster and make the topic.

Rule 3: First come first serve. First one to post in the topic for a mission will be PMed about it. If they decline then the second person to post will get messaged and so on.

Rule 4: To accept a mission you must PM the admin not post in the topic (considering they're locked anyways)

Rule 5: ALL mission posts MUST follow the following template:

Name of Mission: (What is the name of the Mission?)

Poster: (Name of person posting the mission)

Level: (What level should the person accepting the mission be at?

Location: (Which world is your mission being held in?)

HP: (Only if it is a monster. If the mission is not about a monster leave blank)

MP: (Only if it is a monster. If the mission is not about a monster leave blank)

Description: (If it is a monster post a picture of the monster if possible. Give a short

Description of the Mission and why you need someone to do it)

Party Members: (How many people are allowed to sign up for the mission at once?)

Posts : 90
Join date : 2009-01-16
Age : 31

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Rank:: Uber
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